So, sarah decided that my hair was a mess...

Clelia, you'd be very proud.
Coerced into submission she set to with the scissors and almost an hour later I emerged with what I can only describe as a very competant cut.

With simon's guidance and sarah administering the shears I sat in a rather uncomfortable state for the entire duration - not exaclty sure what the outcome would be. But I have to say I'm rather impressed.

This picture was taken a few days later... on HOLI - the festival of colour! It's not blood... it's paint...
Simon had the same treatment today but wasn't too enamoured with the result. He's not a happy bunny now and has started wearing his 'magic hat' again to cover it up... It's not that bad though... I think it looks rather good.

Not long before we finally leave India and over to the far east.
First stop Singapore.
In a bizarre twist of fate it appears we've managed to book the exact same flight that sarah's Parents have booked to Singapore as they head off to New Zealand for a 2 week tour... with a brief stopover for them in singapore they've said they'll treat us to dinner... after that they head off to New Zealand and we head off to find Matt and Beatrice's place - so we can finally say goodbye to them (we missed their leaving doo in london a few months ago so we thought we'd chase them halfway round the world instead... you know... like you do)
P :)
Well done Sarah. Are there no photos of the new haircuts?
Show us a picture of you hair cut.
Pictures as promised... apologies to the delay - it takes time to sort them out and stuff... I've added more to the shimla post too... "rocky mountain high" as I've had a bit of time to do a few this morning...
enjoy :)
Pete! You've got red on you!
Great bloggage guys, just read it all. Glad you're having such an adventure.
Sounds like you've managed to avoid grumpy monkeys so far, Pete.
Nice haircutting Sarah. I'm sure Simon looks dapper under his magic hat, too.
I'd never seen FlashEarth until I clicked your links, it's wonderful. I can't stop zooming in and out all the time.
More bloggage please !
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