Simon's currently 4 days into his Divemaster Training, he's due to finish on the 6th april... it's going well from all accounts, but I do think the sun and all the studying is finally getting to him... he's starting to do strange things, like getting ready to leave this morning for his early morning dive he managed to put his shirt on inside out AND back to front... and not even notice... he needs watching all the time...
He did his Emergency First Response yesterday (a kind of first aid thing) - and this morning he's on boat duty, surface support for the open water divers in training... then it's more of the same, lots of reading, and a few exams and what not.
Unfortunatly the underwater life here isn't as prolific as the similans, it's a good place to train and practice though as all the dive sites are really close to the scuba 'boot camp' we're in. thanks to Peter Dobson for the recommendation - it's really good actually, well set up, and a lot more of a younger crowd than we experienced in phuket, which seemed to be frequented by over 50 gents (replete with young thai ladies [and in some case young men] - heaven knows why?!) ;P - this place though is a lot more laid back, and best of all it's really condensed... the island is tiny and everything is so close... having said that we've not really explored at all... mainly cos we're so damn lazy.
Off on another dive this afternoon... but before that got some serious lazing int he sun by the pool...

Dammit I was sure that was you! I even zoomed in to see. It was the hat that did it! Did you lend him that hat? You did didn't you.
Glad to hear you're having a great time, just a question though, why do you always look so pale? The others all have a look of the sun kissed about them but you look like you are about to burn down a church and abuse the local minorities! I think you get my drift, I don't know what I can get away with on here!
Anyway when are you coming back, and when you do you coming oop north?
Love you all!
For those that care, ant'nys referring to the picture of simon in front of the taj mahal.
Yes ant, you're absolutley correct, I did lend him the hat, so fairs fair for making the mistake... you're forgiven.
As far as looking like a renegade KKK official... well... I'm not sure I'm with you on that one buddy... point being - sarah's naturally tanned anyway so tha excuses her. Simon has a propensity to freckles so he's just freckled up big time, and me... well I'm not exactly the honky you're suggesting dude.
Especially now having been sunning it up on a beach in thailand for the last 2 weeks.
Having said that, been really careful as I burn like a mother licker, so been plastering myself with factor 50.
As for coming home... don't wait up... but yes, I'll pop oop north when I'm back in blighty.
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