We arrived, the day before yesterday now and it's taken this long for me to finally making a post.
So what have we been doing then? Well... other than being hosts to countless mozzys (damn those pesky beasties) we've been out and about Mumbai experiencing what the city has to offer.
We have kindly been accommodated by one of Sarah's uncles in the military defense colony on the southern most tip of Mumbai in an area called Colaba... Uncle Bulbul being a retired army officer he has a very nice home in the heart of the army area of the def col - so bearing this in mind we've had to pass through military checkpoints on a number of occasions, going in & out of the area - each time being stopped by stern looking chaps in cool camo - and cross examined and what have you to determine if we are who we say we are and aren't UK spooks sent over by Tony Blair to do some undercover sabotage... :S - I think they recognise us now as they let us through earlier with no questions asked.

We're showered and less smelly now - the pong of the docks is insidious and seems to pervade all our clothing - needless to say they will be cleaned and pressed ready for our trip south...
Took a trip on a boat yesterday out into Mumbai harbour... over to an island in the middle of the gulf of water between Mumbai and the continental mainland of India... good trip out - Simon's first real day experiencing the Indian hubbub - he's starting to relax into things now - which is good. This island had a load of caves that had been cut and carved centuries ago with images of Shiva andParvati and Brahma and what not... usual fayre - but still fascinatingly impressive.

anyway... breakfast is calling... plus a mid morning nap is on the cards... take it easy people.
enjoy the snow!
1 comment:
Hey there !
glad you finally made it.
You have missed a nice snow fall here in the midlands.
Remember, don't go out without your cap.
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