Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Peter & Katie

Yesterday we celebrated Katie Ranson's (6) and Peter Dobson's (31) birthdays. After a day's snorkelling we went for a meal at the "Spice Village", however, since the restaurant was alcohol free, we had to toast them with Pepsi. Because we are in a dry state (alcohol free) here it is almost impossible to find a restaurant that doesn't serve booze but we managed to last night! It will probably do us some good after all the goodbye drinks in Leamington and London.......time to think about the waistline!

So, anyway, Happy Birthday Peter, we'll soon be with you in OZ where we can celebrate for real.

And Happy Birthday Katie, next year when you're 7, we'll make it extra special!

Hope you both had a wonderful day :-)


Anonymous said...

i will have a drink for you then a rare event for ask simon :)** said...

I wouldn't expect anything less from the new Deputy manager of Cumberland Meat Packers P.L.C!