I've just got rid of the car. (sorry Ant - :S time and pressure and all that)
Sold via ebay for £671 to a nice couple from stoke - they seemed happy with it anyway... I figured out we'd spent over 10k in buying it and keeping it on the road over the last 5 years... cars eh... damn expensive... still best without it - considering - and the cash should keep us in digs for a while... or at least pay for a "few" meals...
Kind of sad to see it go, lump in throat time... but hey... It's only a THING... something else to tie you down... and it's gone now so no regrets.
So that's it, last of our major possessions, (if you don't count the bikes - we need something to get around on whilst we're waiting to leave)
with only a week and a bit before we shoot off... I've been getting rather anxious recently about it all, quite worried and concerned about what's going to happen over the next 12 months... apparently this is normal and it should ease as soon as we touch down at the first destination... we'll see...
over and out - until next time...
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