Tuesday, January 23, 2007

They're under starters orders! - Good news/Bad News

Just a quick note to let you know that we've finally booked our tickets... yes we're actually leaving!
That's the good news...

The bad news... it's not for another 2 weeks!!! boo hisss...
I know, I know... it's been 2 weeks for months now but it really is this time! The date is set for Feb 6th. That's a tuesday.

It seems that for some reason all the flights out to India are booked up for some time... earliest we could get was 6th Feb - and that's flying into Mumbai! If we wanted to do Delhi first then we'd have had to have waited till the end of feb!!! And that will have really thrown a spanner in the ongoing plans for the far east, oz and beyond... so, its South India will be our first port of call - then up to the north it seems...

The other news is that we're finally out of simon (and lou's) place in Leamington... and are living (more or less) out of rucksacks... bearing this in mind I feel our journey has begun already... albeit in some luxury and comfort (temporary lodging courtesy of simons mum). We spent yesterday packing a large wooden crate and waved it goodbye around tea time, tidied up the place and left late yesterday evening to stay our first night at Suzanne and Rogers in deepest darkest leamington... :)

I guess the other good news (or bad news dependant on your point of view) is that I think there will have to be another leaving doo... this time we'll try and make it a friday or saturday for those that like to work the following day... :P


Take it easy people - over and out! :)


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Cars a go go!

I've just got rid of the car. (sorry Ant - :S time and pressure and all that)
Sold via ebay for £671 to a nice couple from stoke - they seemed happy with it anyway... I figured out we'd spent over 10k in buying it and keeping it on the road over the last 5 years... cars eh... damn expensive... still best without it - considering - and the cash should keep us in digs for a while... or at least pay for a "few" meals...  
Kind of sad to see it go, lump in throat time... but hey... It's only a THING... something else to tie you down... and it's gone now so no regrets.
So that's it, last of our major possessions, (if you don't count the bikes - we need something to get around on whilst we're waiting to leave)
with only a week and a bit before we shoot off... I've been getting rather anxious recently about it all, quite worried and concerned about what's going to happen over the next 12 months... apparently this is normal and it should ease as soon as we touch down at the first destination... we'll see...
over and out - until next time...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Exchanged contracts...

Simon got confirmation today that the contracts have been exchanged on his (and Lou's) property - Finally...

So, they complete the sale next friday and then we're set for the off - we're moving out of Simon's house early next week and going to stay with simon's mum for a few days... which is nice. :)

Getting closer...!!

My knees feeling better too - so things are looking up!

Friday, January 19, 2007

I hate my knee! That organic cider has a lot to answer for...

Thanks to everyone who came out last night on what hopefully will be our (last*) leaving doo...

The big news is that an incident involving consumption of aforementioned cider, a rogue marks&spencers shopping trolly and a little over exuburance on my behalf - I appear to have bust my knee up again.


Just in time for our departure.... Typical.

Considering I've spent the best part of a year getting it back up to strength too... oops... :S

I'm sure it'll be fine.*

Leaving date set to some time around my birthday - That's the 30th January folks! Don't worry about cards and stuff - no seriously... it's ok... we don't have a mantlepiece to put them on anymore. :)
Still - at least we didn't have to get up for work today, 3am to bed on a week night! With work in the morning... what a disgrace! lol :)

*Yeah right - If you believe that you'll believe anything! ;)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

STILL in Leamington!!

Hmmm... one week on and we're still here!?

Waiting to exchange contracts on simon's house sale and ultimately the completion date. Then (and only then) can we finally start the ball rolling for getting the tickets finalised and our actual leaving date... it's frustrating as it seems we've been leaving "in two weeks" now for months...!?

Hey ho! Regardless of this minor hiccup we are now officially living out of our backpacks - having almost completed packing the last remnants of our 'normal' clothes that we've had left over from our intial storage push - the final storage crate arrives on Thursday (the day after tomorrow) and then all we should have is our backpacks and the belongings we'll be spending our year travelling with...

So close, and yet so far.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


The time is near. It's Early January 2007.
  • Flat - Sold
  • Worldly Goods - In Storage
  • Money - In the bank
  • Career - On Hold
  • Tickets - Booked
  • Bags - Packed (countless times)
  • Departure date - Round about Jan 18th
Not long now...

For those who don't know, we're off on a global trip - for a year or so.

Leamington has finally lost its sheen, after 16 long years (for me anyway) it's time for me (us) to say goodbye. Goodbye to the midlands, Goodbye to the video game industry, Goodbye to the UK, Goodbye to Europe...

Hello world here we come!

Guest Starring yours truly, my good wife Sarah and our good friend Simon.

Rough itinarary so far being:- India, Thailand, Borneo, Australia, New Zealand, Cook Islands, LA, Central America and South America.

In preparation for the trip, Sarah and I have now passed our Open Water Certification which means we can dive, we'll be hitting those reefs in Thailand, Borneo, Australia, Mexico, etc. no doubt swimming with turtles, rays, clownfish and er... possibly the odd shark or two :S !

Personally speaking I have every intention to ride down something as soon as possible on a bike - whenever the opportunity presents itself... currently eyeing up potentail in Bolivia. But hopefully sooner than that in Oz or NZ hopefully.

We should be hitting New Zealand bang on snowboarding season so spend a bit of time doing that...

Can't wait.

Last day at work today for me... then a few more weeks and we're off.