Just a quick note to let you know that we've finally booked our tickets... yes we're actually leaving!
That's the good news...
The bad news... it's not for another 2 weeks!!! boo hisss...
I know, I know... it's been 2 weeks for months now but it really is this time! The date is set for Feb 6th. That's a tuesday.
It seems that for some reason all the flights out to India are booked up for some time... earliest we could get was 6th Feb - and that's flying into Mumbai! If we wanted to do Delhi first then we'd have had to have waited till the end of feb!!! And that will have really thrown a spanner in the ongoing plans for the far east, oz and beyond... so, its South India will be our first port of call - then up to the north it seems...
The other news is that we're finally out of simon (and lou's) place in Leamington... and are living (more or less) out of rucksacks... bearing this in mind I feel our journey has begun already... albeit in some luxury and comfort (temporary lodging courtesy of simons mum). We spent yesterday packing a large wooden crate and waved it goodbye around tea time, tidied up the place and left late yesterday evening to stay our first night at Suzanne and Rogers in deepest darkest leamington... :)
I guess the other good news (or bad news dependant on your point of view) is that I think there will have to be another leaving doo... this time we'll try and make it a friday or saturday for those that like to work the following day... :P
Take it easy people - over and out! :)